Registration for Fall – continuing to accept participants until groups are complete

Register for Fall today to reserve a place with one of our chamber groups! Guest artists include rock/covertune artist violinist David Wong, harpist Edmar Castaneda (courtesy of the MAC), and more!

Don’t miss out, register now to participate in the award winning, nationally recognized Chamber Music Connection!

Join the over 5,000 alumni who have benefitted through participation in CMC over its 33 year history.

In addition to chamber music, cmc musicians are afforded opportunities to participate in mock auditions, gain support preparing for summer, college, chamber and orchestral auditions, participate in regional and national chamber music events, receive support and guidance for college application preparation – including essay and resume writing – and be amongst an inclusive, welcoming and inspiring group of peers and mentors each week.

Check out our FAQ page to learn more about CMC –

This Fall, we welcome back violinist David Wong to lead an opening workshop and join us for our fall finale large ensemble concert. Check out more about David here and on instagram at the_david_wong.

In addition, on Friday October 4th, the McConnell Arts Center (MAC) is bringing and sharing harpist Edmar Castaneda to work with our musicians. He will be performing on Saturday, Oct 5 at the MAC. Learn more about Edman here.

Register for one or more programs including Fall, NovemberFest, Winter, Spring, and Cover Tune (Summer festival registration will open in Spring.)

More questions – email us at, or simply reply to this email, or contact Debbie, our artistic director, at

Looking forward to playing chamber music with you soon!