Frequently Asked Questions about CMC


  • What is chamber music? Chamber music is classical music played by a small number of musicians, usually between 2-20, who play cooperatively and do not have a conductor. Most often each player has their own part to play, instead of having many instruments playing the same notes (like in an orchestra).


  • What is the Chamber Music Connection? We are a nonprofit music school dedicated to instruction of chamber music and exploration of the art. We also provide education in leadership, mindfulness and musicianship, through the lens of chamber music. Our program is unique in that we accept students of all ages and abilities and do not require an audition to join CMC.


  • What do students do at CMC? In a regular CMC session, students meet on Friday afternoons to rehearse and receive coachings with a small ensemble of three to five students that they’ve been assigned to, as well as a large orchestra piece with an orchestra they’ve been assigned to. These sessions are aimed at the goal of performing their assigned pieces in an end of session performance. That concert is usually free and open to the public! In addition, during each Festival, CMC welcomes visiting chamber music artists from around the country who play for the students, talk about their lives as chamber musicians, and provide master classes for small ensembles.


  • What are Festivals? CMC regular sessions (Fall, November Fest, Winter, Spring, Summer) are called Festivals and take place over the course of three to eight Friday evenings (or consecutive days, in the case of Summer Fest). Summer Fest is a week-long camp with chamber music coaching every day, Monday through Friday, with a final performance at the end of the week.


  • What is a Fellow? What is the Fellowship program? Fellowship students meet year-round with CMC staff for an intensive program of leadership skills and extra instruction. Fellows will receive scholarship to regular year-round CMC programming. The Fellowship program’s focus is on chamber music, music pedagogy, and arts entrepreneurship, but students learn skills for career building, college preparation, and future internships that are valuable in any professional field. Students in the program also mentor less experienced students and assist with weekly program administration. Students can apply to become Fellows in the spring, and must attend the Spring Festival to be considered. Please see this page for information on how to apply: