Scholarships and Fellowships
Through the generosity of our supporters, CMC is able to offer a limited number of need-based scholarships to offset tuition costs.
Scholarship Program
CMC also offers scholarships, workshops, and many other unique programs! Learn more about our offerings and financial aid opportunities below.
Available Awards
Chamber Music Columbus Award
Thanks to the support of Chamber Music Columbus (CMColumbus), CMColumbus scholarships, which are merit and financial need awards, are given annually for the fall and winter semesters to talented young musicians studying at the Chamber Music Connection (CMC). The CMColumbus scholarships awards are intended to provide chamber music education for deserving students by offering financial assistance to full participation in CMC programs.
Chamber Music Connection Award
Thanks to the support and generosity of our Friends of CMC donors, grantors and the CMC Gig program, CMC is able to provide a number of needs based scholarship awards to students who are dedicated and passionate about studying chamber music.
Let the Children Play: The Greg and Lori Phillips Foundation
Thanks to the support of Greg Phillips, Let the Children Play scholarships, which is a financial aid scholarship, is available for 6-9th grade musicians who sign-up for CMC. The Let the Children Play scholarship awards are intended to provide chamber music education for needs based 6-9th grade students by offering financial assistance to full participation in CMC programs.
Application Information
General Scholarship awards are made to Chamber Music Connection students with financial need and interest in music and the programs of CMC. Each candidate and their parents or guardians must complete the entire Chamber Music Connection scholarship form once per academic year (September through July). Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The applicant must email the artistic director or administrative assistant prior to each scholarship deadline (found on the scholarship application) if the scholarship money is needed for subsequent sessions.
The value of the award and the number of the Chamber Music Connection students receiving the award will be determined by the Academic Committee of the Chamber Music Connection Board of Trustees. The amount of the award to any single candidate will not exceed the standard Chamber Music Connection Tuition.
Expectations and Responsibilities
** In cases where the recipient has not fulfilled the prescribed obligations of the award, the Academic Committee reserves the right to rescind the full amount of the award.
High School Fellowship Program
The Fellowship Program is an intensive program that prepares high school-aged students for their professional futures in any field.
To be a CMC Fellow takes focus, leadership, and cooperation.
The program’s focus is on chamber music, music pedagogy, and arts entrepreneurship, but students learn skills for career building, college preparation, and future internships that are valuable in any professional field.
The Fellowship Program is an intensive program that prepares high school-aged students for their professional futures.
Expectations for students are college-level, and include responsibilities such as answering emails independently, being at CMC for specific hours, representing CMC within the community, and managing multiple responsibilities. Students in the program also mentor less experienced students and assist with weekly program administration.
Acceptance into the program is competitive, and accepted students receive partial tuition credits. Applicants must be of high school age by the upcoming school year. Applicants must have had at least one semester of participation in a prior CMC program and be enrolled in Spring Festival as part of the application process. Students are chosen on the basis of their potential contributions to the program: i.e. musicianship, interest in mentoring, and willingness to provide administrative assistance (i.e. material preparation, classroom preparation, orientation and weekly check-in, assisting in the music library, coaching assistance, office assistance, gig coordinating assistance, PR assistance).
Practical Work Experience
In addition to gaining practical work experience, students are given valuable networking opportunities and access to workshops organized by the Fellowship Program Director. Topics include:
- Arts Leadership
- Public Speaking
- Advising
- Mentorship
- Administrative Skills
- Healthy Music Making
- Alternative Music Styles