NovemberFest & Cover Tune Workshop – Register today!


Register Today!

NovemberFest – 3 Fridays November 4, 11 & 18

Who: Students of all ages and abilities, any instrument. No audition required!

  • Friday’s November 4, 11, & 18 from 4:30-7:30pm
  • Finale concert on November 18 at 7:00PM

Where: St. John’s Episcopal Church, Worthington, Ohio

Tuition: $225

Registration Deadline: Register by October 22

Program description: All inclusive chamber music for any age and instrument. Program includes small ensemble coachings by local and national professional musicians/teachers, guided rehearsals, special workshops/master classes, dress rehearsals along with finale concerts. All coaching sessions take place at St. John’s Episcopal Church.

Register Today!

2-day Cover Tune Workshop- November 17 & 18

Who: Students of all ages and abilities, any instrument. No audition required!

  • Thursday, November 17, 5:30-8:30PM
  • Firday, November 18, 4:30-9:00PM (Finale concert begins at 7:00PM)

Where: St. John’s Episcopal Church, Worthington, Ohio

Tuition: $125

Registration Deadline: Register by November 10

Program description: The Cover Tune Workshop is a unique 2-day program, open to all ages and levels, includes large ensemble jam sessions, musicianship skills class & combo sessions with opportunities to learn how to “chop” and create cover tunes with others in a small ensemble setting.

Register Today!

Scholarships available!

CMC also offers scholarships, workshops, and many other unique programs! Learn more about our offerings and financial aid opportunities – apply online!